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Reverse Ageing by Dowsing

A zoom presentation for the

Devon, Trencrom, Tamar, Somerset

and Thames Valley Dowsing Groups

by Susan Collins

Few can 'walk the talk' with greater authenticity than the hugely experienced Canadian dowser, Susan Collins. Written off by medics at the age of 29, she has used and developed her own self-help methodology to confound her critics - and she is still going strong over four decades later.

Susan's ideas are deceptively simple. Think (or at least intend) yourself well, and in so doing, push back the onset of old age almost indefinitely. Despite her own genetic inheritance (her mother lived to be 102), Susan's contention is not to live forever - well, at least not physically - but to live an active and meaningful life for as long as possible, and to drop off the end quickly and quietly. Few of us relish the prospect of spending our last decade in some God-forsaken care home, so maybe it's worth taking note of this philosophy!

Over the years, Susan has modified and expanded her wellbeing Protocol, based on her own experience of helping others. In a nutshell, it involves

Balancing your physical body

Connecting to your dowsing consciousness

Forgiving yourself

Clearing yourself of non-beneficial energies

Maximising your energy field

Seeking permission to dowse


Creating a new energy system matrix (if needed)


Thanking beings and forces that have assisted you

Communicating your results appropriately

Each of these headline aspects have detailed supplementary explanations and helpful guidance, which Susan generously shares with anyone willing to take them on board.

As you can see, the critical dowsing component only enters the procedure at step seven. As with all well-thought-out processes, it is the detailed preparation and the comprehensive clearance that enable the beneficial effects to happen. In fact, the dowsing really is quite straightforward, given an appropriate level of experience and soundness of intent. It is the embodiment of the philosophy that makes the difference - the belief in what works for you.

As with all such protocols, many will adapt it to suit their own circumstances, but thousands of people have already taken up Susan's approach and utilised it for themselves. What we see here is a fully-fledged operational system, taken from a particular viewpoint. The greatest benefit to those encountering it for the first time is gained, not so much by adopting it verbatim, but by realising the power within all of us - in Susan's words - to create our own reality.

Another massive gain through listening to a person of this stature is to appreciate that knowledge and its effective application is built up incrementally by experience. The initial breakthrough, as in almost all scientific and medical processes, is usually intuitional, but the embodiment of it - what delivers the physical results - also requires sheer hard work.

Susan takes the view that dowsers are effectively synaesthetes. We are people who can experience one form of incoming information format by using another sense reception system - and that an awareness of electromagnetism is our sixth sense. She further embraces the philosophy of panpsychism - that everything is, at least to some extent, conscious - and when we are using our dowsing ability (applied consciousness) we can communicate with just about everything else at that level.

She also takes a holistic view of her subject. Other issues that can contribute to premature ageing - and can therefore be addressed alongside dowsing/healing - include exercise, sleep, nutrition, environmental health and helping others/social engagement. All of these factors are eminently dowsable and can therefore be considered independently and in their own right.

Unhelpful residual belief systems can also be a factor in the ageing process. If we have grown up with the idea that when we age chronologically, we decay biologically, then that may well be what manifests itself. However, if we accept that all of our cell groupings are regenerating all the time, albeit at different rates, then it is within our grasp to boost these systems by intent. Those of us interested in dowsing philosophy will often commend the idea that we do indeed create our own reality - and enhancing our benevolent biological processes at a microscopic level is a prime example of just such a procedure in action.

Also in this context, neuroplasticity in the brain is critical to keeping our mental health broadly intact. Susan quoted neuropsychologist Donald Hebb who first used the phrase 'what fires together, wires together' to describe how pathways in the brain are formed and reinforced through repetitive use and application.

S he went on to ask participants to compare their current biological age with their 'functional' age i.e. how do we stack up against others of a similar age in the population generally? Needless to say, those willing to share their responses were considerably less aged than the national 'average'! While sceptical statisticians could have a field day with this methodology, the clear indication amongst this self-chosen group was that they were, and felt, considerably younger than might have been expected.

A range of potentially ageing symptoms can be found right across the spectrum of human perception, including those in the physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and energetic fields. With a little practice and dedication, all of these can be dowsed and addressed.

We can also identify and disconnect ageing issues arising by location (home, office etc.), by time-frame (past, present, future)

and by source (self, others etc.). We can pinpoint which vectors

have the most impact, and therefore prioritise them acordingly.

This was a brisk canter across the breadth of the wide field of reversed ageing through self-healing. Much of it seems self-evident when presented as clearly and concisely as this. But, as Susan insists, she can only encourage us in the right direction. It's up to the individual to put in the effort to make it happen.

Susan is a living template for what can be achieved through age reversal techniques - and her talk was clearly much appreciated by her UK audience. Many thanks, Susan, for this fine presentation.

Nigel Twinn

Tamar Dowsers

April 2024

More information on the work of Susan Collins can be obtained from

Her many written titles are available via all good bookshops or, if you must, online.


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