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Dec 2019 - Solstice @ The Hurlers

Half an Hour of Solstice Surprises

Midwinter 2019 at The Hurlers

Expecting the unexpected is one of the key mantras of the dowser, but not expecting the unexpected is usually the default position.

This pre-solstice morn, Pete Bousfield and I trudged through the sodden moorland of Minions, ahead of the main group of midwinter celebrants, with the intention of planting our BSD standard-issue marker flags in various earth energy currents, while the rest of the world was still sensibly asleep.

It is difficult to remain fully alert when you have just a few minutes in the cold, dark and damp to get your task properly grounded, and I have to admit that we may not have been fully on the case. What we did sense - immediately, and in unison - was that something was missing. We managed to convince ourselves that it was some of the stones - they had disappeared! I even inspected the stumps of some of the long-felled menhirs to see if they had been sawn off. But, as I could dimly detect that they all sported traces of lichen (and even a half-awake dowser knows that lichen doesn’t grow overnight) I was obliged to accept that I was being a tad alarmist. However, something wasn’t right: something was indeed in absentia.

It didn’t take long to find out what it was. As soon as we stared to flag up the width of the Michael and Mary lines, we realised that they were way too narrow. These two leviathans of the earth energy matrix of Albion had shrivelled up to a couple of incidental currents just a few paces wide. I have never sensed them this tight, or this comatose. If we hadn’t had prior knowledge of their location, we could have been forgiven for ignoring them altogether. But, you find what you find - and the flags were located accordingly.

Just a couple of minutes later, the great phalanx of celebrants arrived - a cheerful conglomeration of singers, archaeologists, dowsers, dancers and astronomers - and Pete and I took new readings for Michael and Mary. To our considerable surprise, as the singing and circle dancing started M&M expanded almost as fast as an uncoiling spring – real cork-out-of-the-bottle stuff. Indeed, they were expanding faster than we could move from one to the other to reflag them. In what seemed no time at all, Michael in particular was wider than I have ever dowsed it before - and Mary was not far behind.

Later, many people present suggested that it might be Gaia reacting to the current environmental crisis and its associated social and political apprehension. Maybe she is cowering away from human attention, and was only too pleased, and surprised, to find that one group at least are willing to acknowledge her plight, and to try to do something about it. On the other hand, that may be a bit too anthropomorphic.

This solstice, fellow TD member, Alison Denham, was also out flag posting. She chose to look at the ‘Arthur and Guinevere’ lines currently being investigated by another friend of the TDs, Sean Ferris.

Ali found that those lines, which cross in the southern circle of the hurlers (the singing etc. taking place in the middle circle) also expanded - albeit rather more in line with previous experience.

It was an excellent piece of parallel work, and indicated that the human activity further up one of the lines - in this case in the centre circle - was indeed being picked up, albeit more modestly, by another pair of earth energy currents.

Yet, all of this excitement was completely unexpected. Given that we have measured the expansion of Michael and Mary in the Bodmin Moor brouillard many a time, I had intended instead to check the impact of the solstice celebrations on earth grid lines instead - just using M&M as a control.

In the flurry of activity at the start, I had flapped around in the gloom, flagging out two crossing Benker lines and a piece of the Hartmann grid that courses straight through two of the larger, in situ standing stones of the centre circle. I can report that my measurements throughout the festivities and afterwards came up with absolutely nothing. There was no reaction from the earth grids whatsoever.

I can only conclude from this that human activity - at least in the social and psychological senses of the words - does not affect these features, and this is probably because they are not composed of the same type of ‘energy’ as true earth energy phenomena such as Michael and Mary. It further tends to support my own hypothesis that Hartmann, Curry, Benker, Wittman and other similar grids are gravitational features, rather than geologically-generated fields. It also throws some doubt as to whether these grids would therefore affect humans - but that’s another story for another day.

In the Cheesewring pub afterwards, local astronomer and archaeologist, Brian Sheen, gave a short introduction to work that has been carried out recently at the Hurlers and can be viewed on YouTube, fronted up by another former TD Speaker, Carolyn Kennett, at:

Well, that’s the address that ‘copy link’ has come up with, and it seems to work!

Many thanks, as ever, to our own National

Treasure, Anne Hughes for organising another hugely enjoyable winter solstice sunrise

celebration - and also to the staff at the Cheeswring Inn for producing 50 much-needed and much-appreciated breakfasts in such a short period of time.

Dowsing has a reputation of being rather slow and contemplative, but we had so much excitement in half an hour in the half light, that we all needed a period of relative calm to take it all in.

Nigel Twinn

Tamar Dowsers

December 2019

Images courtesy of Jen Bousfield and Derek Scofield



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