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Tamar Dowsers Newsletter
November 2024


Welcome to our November edition of Tamar Dowsers News. There are some interesting updates and upcoming dates for your diary.


Thank you to everyone who has kindly renewed TD annual membership! If you are yet to renew and you are coming to North Hill on Sunday 24th November for Alex’s talk, we can also receive your membership in person then. 


Newsletter contents


    • Thank you from Nigel

    • Andrew Tresidder talk

    • Upton Cross Apple Day

    • Astrologer Pam Gregory talk insights

    • The Dordogne and Italy - Landscape Dowsing 

    • King Arthur’s Hall: Confirmed as Neolithic Marvel

    • Upcoming Dowsing Events


  • Paul Devlin’s talk 8th December - has been cancelled due to personal circumstances - instead we will have a Tamar Dowsers zoom call:   

  • Open Session - on Dowsing: current inspiration, lines of enquiry, areas of development. Q&A on Earth Energy and Healing topics. Hosted by Stu & Alex 

  • Alex Russell-Stoneham Labyrinths and Dragons Sunday 24th November, North Hill Village Hall. Labyrinths and Dragons - a journey into our inner landscape 


Tamar Dowsers Festive Gathering 15th December 1-3pm at North Hill Village Hall - Please join us and bring some drink or food to share!



Thank You from Nigel Twinn




Many thanks to all at the Tamar Dowsers for the lovely gift to mark my 'retirement' from organising the group.

While I still intend to attend events, and Ros will remain the Membership Secretary, it is time for me to move on.

I would like to thank everyone for your support and collaboration across the last couple of decades.

It is a great relief to know that the TDs will continue under its new leadership. As I write, we have had over 50 renewals for the coming year already, with doubtless a few more to come - plus some new members. This would have seemed pretty improbable back in 2002!

Thank you once again. 

We will toast your health, individually and corporately.


Kind regards

Nigel Twinn


Andrew Tresidder Talk 


Life’s Journey, Mother Nature’s Little Helpers

Dr Andrew Tresidder


A workshop for the Tamar Dowsers at North Hill Village Hall

October 2024


Any event run by Andrew Tresidder is a joy to attend. His evident positivity and enthusiasm lighten up even the gloomiest of autumn afternoons, and you leave the venue feeling much better than when you arrived. It was worth the TDs membership fee for this session alone!


In the workaday world, Dr Andrew Tresidder is 'practitioner health south-west clinical lead, a GP educator, Somerset clinical commissioning group GP patient safety lead and GP appraiser'. He is  very experienced personally, and he regularly shares those life skills and his training with other mainstream,  medical professionals. But Andrew also has decades of experience that lies at the edge of conventional health-care. 


When he first came to talk to us, over five years ago, it seemed unlikely that someone with such a diverse skill set could co-exist within a field that is so fearful of straying too far away from the straight and narrow. 

Yet AT is still there, still working on both sides of the ethereal fence and still helping people in such different, yet completely complementary, ways.


In this session, Andrew gave us a general introduction to how the body and the mind can be aided by the application of appropriate infusions. He described the process of determining which plant-based materials to select for which issues, and how to use them medically. He does not shy away from using dowsing to determine the appropriate essences for any given set of personal circumstances, or the combinations in which to apply them. 


In times gone by, many of those who have promoted homeopathy have sought to justify their work in terms of yet-to-be-determined fringe chemical reactions - or by resorting to describing it as 'just' being a placebo effect, as if that were in some way an inappropriate method of healing  However, here Dr Tresidder is stating that, in his opinion, we are talking about straight information transfer.  As someone who has ploughed this same, sometimes lonely, furrow for many years, it was music to my ears.


But Andrew is always very much the professional GP. He is using Bach and Saskia plant essences, not because they seem to be worth a try, or because someone else once wrote about them, but because he has used them at the coal face himself - and he has seen the results. He knows that homeopathy works for many people, including some of his own clients.


Having worked at a major acute hospital myself, I know that in the world of mainstream medicine there is much, understandable, concentration on Evidence-Based medical results. Less scrupulous  suppliers can be all-too-keen to get their goods to market as quickly as possible (think thalidomide). But this reticence has the unfortunate side effect of excluding most of those medicines and procedures that only work to some extent most of the time, or whose benefits are statistically significant yet not indefinitely repeatable. 


Potentially, this is a big loss to the well-being of society generally, especially when the substances in question are biologically harmless - and can be used alongside more conventional approaches with no known harmful interactions.


While much of modern healthcare is about efficiency in a finance-based society, Andrew shows how much could be gained by addressing the underlying catalysts of so many of today's familiar ailments, using nature-derived medicaments and benign information transfer. We seek, and have come to expect, instant pain relief and immediate medical intervention, when all too often the root of the physical malaise can be found in an individual's work and/or social stress, aided and abetted by an unforgiving built environment.


Additionally, Dr Tresidder ventures out into the even more contentious world of co-incidence. By choosing a number of cards from a pack of face-down images of Bach remedy essences, we are encouraged to select the infusions that will be most beneficial for us to use today. What seems like a modified child's card game is in fact the entrance portal of the tangled web of information field theory. Not only are we choosing what to use, but we are doing so without exercising any active choice. In the conventional world, the interface between human action and external vectors is pretty clear, but here we are merging intuition with undetectable input and applying the results - or is it that we are using our deep perception to analyse the etheric input to our own, or our mutual, advantage. Maybe we should just stick to the cards for now!


Andrew has always been, and remains, a very generous and engaging man, who brings his own workshop materials for us to use and take away - and sells complementary tinctures and infusions at trade or cost price. Even his book Healing and Self-care is available online for nothing. He shares his knowledge and wisdom at minimal cost - and he strikes you simply as a messenger on a mission for all who seek him out. It's something he has come to understand from his own journey and he proffers it for anyone with an open mind to take it away to consider. No evangelism, no hard sell, just a very genuine chap with information to transfer - if you wish to receive it.



Many thanks to Dr Andrew Tresidder and to his colleagues for making the trip down from Somerset to be with us in East Cornwall. Many in the room were clearly very taken with both his attitude and his processes. He will always be a welcome presence at the TDs.



Nigel Twinn

Tamar Dowsers

October 2024


Health and Self -Care is a free book available as download from 


Upton Cross Apple Day


Sunday 5th October 2024


As guests of the Caradon Orchard Group (COG), a contingent of TDs turned up to provide support, guidance and information to anyone with even a passing interest in our craft at the East Cornwall annual juice extraction applefest.


I am pleased to report that just about everyone who gave it a go left with some degree of dowsing expertise. As ever, some were agreeably surprised, even a bit startled, at their own competence. While others, especially those with a more sceptical worldview, took a little more coaxing, there  were a couple who proved to be dowsing naturals from the outset.


Despite the dire forecasts earlier in the week, the weather held out benignly right to the end of daylight, albeit with some of the dowsing somewhat wind-assisted. The food available from the various stalls was really enjoyable - and Ros was delighted to win a wicker angel, beautifully crafted by a local artisan, in the raffle. Yuletide, here we come.


In terms of the dowsing itself, we were relieved to find a couple of handy water lines - one running under a substantial field maple (see image right) - and a minor geological fault in just the right place, close to side door of the Hall. 


During the day, the aura of the field maple 

expanded progressively. I had assumed that this 

was as a complimentary reaction to my attention, 

but as time progressed, it became apparent that the shape of the aura had distorted in a decidedly southeasterly direction, towards the group of 

people who were intently shredding and crushing 

the bucketloads of freshly picked apples into juice, which had been brought to the site by various members of the public. 


For the record, almost 400 litres of apple juice was obtained by the COG at this session, which was significantly greater than at other similar events in recent years.


TD member, Pete Bousfield showed us where the Michael Line runs around the north eastern boundary of the Upton Cross recreation field, through the car park of the adjacent Sterts Theatre and also through a funeral director's yard and a disused (Victorian) chapel, now converted into flats. Not much resting in peace going on there there, methinks.


An excellent day's dowsing and socialising. Many thanks indeed to all those who joined us. 


Nigel Twinn

Tamar Dowsers

October 2024 


What the Stars say is in Store for 2025 - Insights from Pam Gregory’s October Talk


On 23rd October, we were honoured to be joined on our combined dowsing groups’ Zoom by Pam Gregory. 


Pam is a highly respected British astrologer, known for her engaging, practical approach to astrology that helps us connect celestial influences with human evolution and spiritual growth. With over 40 years of experience, she has cultivated a following through her books and YouTube channel. She shares how astrology is a tool for self-discovery and aligning with one's highest  potential, often weaving in themes of multidimensional awareness, energy, and consciousness.

Pam's unique approach makes astrology accessible to all, focusing on how cosmic cycles mirror internal and external shifts in our lives.

She shared her outlook for 2025, a year she foresees as deeply transformative. As planets move into new signs, we stand at a pivotal juncture between endings and beginnings, ready for a significant shift in our collective and individual realities.


A Paradigm Shift on the Horizon


Pam describes 2025 as a year marked by dramatic changes that mirror previous transformational eras like the US and French revolutions. With Pluto moving into Aquarius this November, a period of questioning elitism and inequality will begin. The last time we witnessed Pluto’s 248 yr orbit in Aquarius was in 1777-1798…

There are two big themes Pam mentions, in relation to this Pluto into Aquarius shift:


1) As we explore “What it means to be truly human”, this question’s significance is greater than it has ever been before in our history. Along the spectrum, at one end we see advances in AI and nanotechnology. At the other end, we are becoming more multidimensional in every moment. People are becoming much more open to their heightened clairvoyant abilities, which will help us connect more with our energetic and spiritual selves. 


2) “Everything is energy and frequency” - some of us are already aware of this, more people will become aware due to the Pluto in Aquarius orbit. Look at the glyph of Aquarius:


We will be more aware of the negative effect of how electrified the  earth has become. 

We are also going to become more aware of the beneficial effects of frequencies. Pam mentions Anthony Holland, researcher who  gave a Ted talk on how the 11th harmonic can shatter cancer cells.


The Rise of Sovereignty and Community

As our world transforms, people are becoming more aware of their sovereignty and personal frequency, igniting a desire for community-driven solutions. This shift moves us from dependence on hierarchical systems to a more collaborative and decentralised world. We may see a rise in solutions-focused communities like The Greater Reset and movements around decentralised energy sources, as well as the emergence of new currencies. These changes highlight the importance of collaboration over competition.


The Power of Belief Systems

Pam emphasises that our beliefs filter our reality, creating an internal world that shapes our external experiences. In 2025, it will become increasingly clear how our mindset impacts our lives. Those operating from self-service or fear-based thinking may feel more divided from those prioritising service to others. Virtual reality and multidimensional experiences will expand, but it's essential to stay grounded and discern the nature of our reality.


Scientific and Spiritual Convergence

With developments in consciousness, healing, and science, humanity is stepping into a new understanding of reality, where wisdom from indigenous cultures, shamans, and ancient knowledge meets quantum science. Pam suggests that galactic beings may play a role in our evolution, supporting a shift from carbon-based to crystalline structures in our DNA—potentially even reversing aging.


Challenges and the Power of Stillness

Pam warns of potential mental health challenges as people process these shifts. To navigate this, she recommends practices that cultivate inner stillness, such as mindful breathing and setting aside time for personal reflection. A greater emphasis on heart-centred practices will emerge, highlighting the heart's energy and telepathic capacities.


Astrology and Global Events

Throughout 2025, outer planets changing signs could herald shifts in societal structures. Pam forecasts challenges in the US, with a volatile political climate, as well as natural events like earthquakes and floods. The symbolism of Comet Atlas and upcoming oppositions might reflect a period of global upheaval. She also mentions a potential “mini ice age,” and AI technology taking a more prominent role, cautioning us to stay mindful of its applications.


In Closing

As we move into this era of accelerated change, Pam Gregory urges us to focus on love, joy, and compassion. 2025 offers a powerful opportunity to step into a new level of consciousness, aligning with frequencies that are in harmony with our evolving spiritual and physical selves. With intention and awareness, we can embrace this cosmic metamorphosis and support one another in crafting a future of higher understanding and unity.


Thank you Pam, for being so generous with your time and sharing such helpful insights about 2025!Link to Pam’s YouTube Channel:


Alex Russell-Stoneham November 2024 


The Dordogne and Italian Landscape Dowsing


Dowsing can be such a great and helpful tool for holidays and trips!


A dear dowsing friend and I travelled to the Dordogne region for a week, followed by a stay in  Italy - a very special spot called “Trevignano”, on Lake Bracciano. For both locations, we dowsed the score out of 10 for potential AirBnB stays and found our final choices scored 8 or 9 out of 10, which was good enough! We aimed on this trip to be free from fixed plans and just ‘follow our noses’, being in the flow, which led us to some wonderful places and also eateries. 


The first week of our stay in France was interesting, to say the least! A lot of letting go, releasing and purging of ancestral wounds and patterns/beliefs. The dowsed-for location we stayed in was  rather cave-like, right next to a weir that ran into the Dordogne. The sound of the rushing water was very therapeutic, it felt ever so supportive for this cleansing process we were both  going through. The cave-like space was so appropriate for the inner and outer energetic shedding that was experienced.  Samhain and some intense celestial weather were also a backdrop for these events. 


We just went with the flow, there was no other way to be! 


When we felt the need to go out, there was a special place up on a hill, overlooking all the vineyards.


 The church grounds of “Elise Notre Dame de Pujols” felt very supportive and beneficially grounding. A red ‘x’ marks the spot we found.


(Link to church on Google Maps: )


Italian heart, beauty and respite


In the second week, Trevignano, a lovely and unspoilt town with a rich Etruscan history, was such a balm and felt so replenishing. It is on Lake Bracciano, which appears to be of volcanic origin. The water is beautifully clear and clean, we were able to swim in it in early November quite comfortably! The earth energy is very supportive, uplifting and calming in this particular region. The lie of the land and general feel is wonderful. The quality of the lake water dowsed 9 out of 10. 


We visited a fellow earth energy friend and dowser, Ray Bacon, who lives very close to Orvieto. TD's own Ali Denham has done some healing earth energy work on the cathedral in Orvieto. Most crypts have Goblin energy that is responsible for weaving the telluric and cosmic energies together. But the Goblin energy at Orvieto was missing! Ali found it, unwell, and taking refuge in the beneficial toroidal energies in front of the altar. Once restored to full wellbeing, the Goblin energy returned to the extensive underground passages beneath the cathedral, where it is currently busy weaving and happy for there to be greater awareness of it amongst humans.



En route to visit Ray, we stopped near another very beautiful lake Bolsena.


Map dowsing drew our attention to an underwater  archaeological site, which we will need to return to with the correct snorkelling or diving gear! If anyone in TDs has been here please do get in touch!


We ended up being able to visit a nature reserve with a waterfall. 



I did not get permission to cross into the land around the waterfall (my dowsing friend did and this is the photo they took), although I was granted a connection with the local gnomic energies and we did a dance together and sang a joyful  folk song. They tell me they enjoy this type of connection. Our friend Ray told us of the Etruscan goddess temple along the path. I wonder if any TD map dowsers are able to locate it?! 


Once on Ray’s land, which is a beautiful smallholding with views towards Orvieto and an ancient manor house, we spontaneously started dowsing. There was an energy of a spirit with an anger and frustration to it. My dowsing friend was not given permission to clear it, however I fortunately was. It took quite some time and the feeling definitely lifted in the end. 


We got an indication of a shift in the energy from Ray’s daughter, who was able to go to rest in the bedroom for the very first time, without a parent needed to help/ protect. 


Also, in front of a rather beautiful boulder is a  favourite tree. Ray asked what our dowsing found. Interestingly, I found a five pointed star, corresponding to the five elements/seasons. It went around the tree and the boulder was the central yin/yang point. 


I was told that the tree, boulder and earth energies wanted to support Ray and his family. The 5 seasons went in reverse to the way I am used to finding them, which was interesting. Each point of the star was a vortex of beneficial energy. Ray chose to sit on the  point of the Autumnal season, which corresponds to the element metal, the Yin meridian Lungs and Yang meridian Large Intestine. It relates to the emotions of grief/loneliness. It happens to be Ray’s favourite spot to sit in the garden and we had a deep and insightful conversation together here…

Here is a diagram of the five pointed star: 

My friend and I felt honoured, grateful and fulfilled at having been able to dowse in such a special and beautiful location. Many more observations and findings happened, these are just a few of the highlights! 


For anyone joining TDs at North Hill Village hall on 24th November, we will talk some more about the five pointed star, its connection to labyrinths and healing. 


Alex Russell-Stoneham

November 2024


King Arthur’s Hall: Confirmed as a Neolithic Marvel


The long-awaited confirmation has finally arrived! King Arthur’s Hall, the iconic stone enclosure on Bodmin Moor, has been officially dated to the Neolithic period, confirming its ancient origins and shattering any lingering speculation that it might have been a mere animal pound. This monumental finding has profound implications, suggesting that King Arthur’s Hall may well be the Jewel in the Archaeological Crown of Kernow, as Stuart Dow, our own Tamar Dowsers co-chair, so aptly puts it. 

King Arthur’s Hall


An Ancient Alignment and a Cosmic Purpose

King Arthur's Hall is aligned north-south, a feature that has long intrigued dowsers and archaeologists alike. But perhaps even more fascinating is its hypothesised role as a cosmic water temple, one that might have served as a sacred space for ritual and spiritual practices. The precise layout and orientation of the stones seem to support the idea that the Hall was far more than a simple gathering place—it was possibly a link between the earth and the heavens, an ancient temple that connected our ancestors with cosmic forces.


Stuart Dow and others have championed the belief that the structure has a spiritual and ceremonial significance. Could it have been a site for water based healing and/or “scrying,” where one might gaze into the water pool at its centre, seeking visions and guidance from other realms? Was it a place where ancient peoples connected with kindly, luminous beings, possibly bathing in amongst the stars? The discovery has opened up a realm of questions, and possibilities are now being actively explored.


The Role of Paul Broadhurst and Robin Heath’s Findings


Paul Broadhurst’s research, alongside Robin Heath’s measurements, laid essential groundwork  for what we now know. In 2009, Broadhurst’s book The Secret Land documented his findings with Heath at King Arthur’s Hall, and it was Heath’s precise theodolite measurements that revealed something astonishing: the stones form a "Lunation Triangle." This particular configuration—12 x 5 Megalithic yards, 5 x 5 Megalithic yards, and 13 x 5 Megalithic yards—is a mathematical echo of the proportions used in the Station Stones at Stonehenge. These measurements were likely based on lunar cycles, indicating that those who built King Arthur’s Hall understood and revered the cosmic patterns they observed.


When Stuart read about these discoveries, he felt compelled to dig deeper. He, along with the TimeSeekers group, began an intensive journey to get the structure dated, backed by Roy Goutte and other members like Malcolm Wright, who suggested Optically Stimulated Luminescence (OSL) as a dating method.


The Path to Discovery: A Collective Effort

After years of advocacy and inquiry, the efforts paid off. Chris Coldwell from Cornwall’s Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB), now part of the Cornwall Historic Landscape team, supported the idea and eventually secured funding for the dating project. Through OSL and careful analysis, the research team was able to validate what many suspected but couldn’t yet prove: that King Arthur’s Hall dates back to the mid-Neolithic to early Bronze Age period.


What Lies Ahead for King Arthur’s Hall?

The confirmation of King Arthur’s Hall as an ancient, Neolithic structure has invigorated the archaeological community and rekindled interest in Bodmin Moor’s sacred landscapes. This discovery gives us fresh insight into the advanced astronomical knowledge, ceremonial practices, and cosmic awareness of the people who inhabited Kernow thousands of years ago.


For the Tamar Dowsers community and all who revere ancient mysteries, King Arthur’s Hall now stands as a testament to our deep-rooted fascination with the cosmos. It invites us to explore questions of human connection with the universe, from lunar cycles to sacred geometry. As we celebrate this monumental discovery, we look forward to continued research and new revelations about this incredible site.


King Arthur’s Hall is no longer a mystery; it’s a message from our ancient past, speaking across millennia to remind us of our enduring bond with the stars. 



News to share?


If you have any updates or topics you would like to share, any area of interest, any speaker suggestions or events you would like to suggest or host, please do get in touch with us at so we can include it in our next newsletter.




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